In a beam type compensator a stress pattern produced by pure bending is frozen into the material. 在梁式补偿器中,其应力光图是由纯弯曲产生而被冻结在材料之中。
In order to log in you have to type in a special password. 为了进入,你必须打入特殊的通行密码。
I need to type a letter, can you use your computer, Miss? 我要打一封信,小姐,我可以用一下你的电脑吗?
When the page appears, type a Twitter user name in the box at the top of the page, then click Get Map. 当出现页面后,在页面顶部的框中键入Twitter用户名,然后单击GetMap。
Type a template name and the GC and Memory Visualizer saves the template in the Templates view for future use. 键入模板的名称,然后,EVTK将该模板保存在Templates视图中以便将来使用。
In the Data Set Name field, type a name for the data set, such as Work Items. 在DataSetName区域中,为数据集输入一个名字,例如WorkItems。
You can easily export any number of home directories through Samba without having to type a separate configuration section by using the [ homes] section. 您可以直接通过Samba导出任意数量的home目录,无需使用[homes]代码段来键入单独的配置代码段。
In this way, through a standard instant messenger, you can type a word, and the IM agent will return its definition. 使用这种方法,您通过一个标准的即时消息程序输入一个词时,IM代理将返回它的定义。
For example, if I type a character'K'on my keyboard, this is a stimulus, with the system responding to it by producing a few pixels on the screen that are identifiable as'K '. 例如,如果我从我的键盘上敲入一个“K”,那么这就是一个刺激源,然后系统会通过在屏幕上显示一个能组成“K”的像素点来回应这个刺激源。
A method descriptor just combines field descriptors to specify the parameter types and return type of a method. 方法描述符结合了字段描述符,以指定方法的参数类型和返回类型。
It's configured by selecting an analysis type for a monitoring context and a dimension. 可以通过选择某个监视上下文和维度的分析类型来配置此小部件。
Each mode is described in detail later; for now, press the I key to enter insert mode, and then type a few lines of text as you would in a normal text editor. 稍后将对每种模式进行介绍,现在请按i键以进入到插入模式,然后输入一些文本行内容,这与在普通文本编辑器中的操作相同。
For this example, model a simple C# method named displaywith a bool return type and a GraphicException. 对于此实例,为名为display的简单的C方法建模,其返回类型为bool,包含GraphicException。
The wildcard ANY type is a placeholder whose content might or might not be validated against a schema. 通配符ANY类型是一个占位符,它的内容可能针对(也可能没有针对)一个模式进行了验证。
Reroute all Submit buttons and key-up events ( that is, an event that occurs whenever you type a character on your keyboard) to a new function you're going to create called ajax_search(). 将所有Submit按钮和key-up事件(即在通过键盘键入字符时发生的事件)重新指向到一个将要创建的新函数,称为ajaxsearch()。
Replace the B with A using the vi-style "replace single character" commands ( that is, click R, and then type A). 使用vi风格的“替换单个字符”命令将B替换为A(即单击R,然后键入A)。
Type a user name and password, then press Enter to log on. 键入用户名和密码,然后按下Enter键登陆。
Because the search is incremental, Emacs begins highlighting matches as you type a single character& in this case, when you press the T key, all the T characters in the buffer are highlighted. 由于搜索是增量式的,因此Emacs会在键入一个字符的时候就开始突出显示匹配项&在本例中,当您按下T键时,会突出显示缓冲区中的所有T字符。
Type a new name for the variable, and then press Enter. 键入变量的新名称,然后按Enter键。
This means that two nodes of the same type in a model may have different sets of properties. 这意味着在一个模型中,两个相同类型的节点可能有两个不同的属性集。
First, when you type a command, vi or Vim executes the command as is. 首先,在输入命令时,vi或Vim按原样执行命令。
Content assist displays when, by default, you type a period and wait half a second, or you press Ctrl+ space. 默认情况下,当键入句点并等待半秒钟或者按下Ctrl+space,将显示内容帮助。
Click the blog object, and then click New Property; choose the property name name, and then type a name for your blog. 单击blog对象,然后单击NewProperty;选择属性名name,然后再键入blog的名称。
Now that all systems are in place, you can type a request and see the search engine work in real time, pulling in records with each key-up event. 所有系统都就绪后,就可以键入一个请求并查看此搜索引擎的实际工作情况了,每个key-up事件都会处理记录。
Type a name for the bean in the Name box, in this case: mybean. 在Name框中为这个bean输入一个名称,在这个例子中可以命名为:mybean。
Type a name for your sequence group. 为顺序分组键入一个名称。
The field tag displays a check box if the value binding type is a boolean or a Boolean. 如果值绑定为boolean或Boolean类型,则字段标记将显示一个复选框。
In the resulting window, type a name for the dictionary, such as skills, and click Finish. 在出现的窗口中,为字典输入一个名称,比如skills,然后单击Finish。
To create a single dimensional array of the type a [ m] ( where m is an integer variable already defined and initialized), apply the cpp_type stereotype on the array variable a in the UML model. 要创建一个类型为a[m]的一维数组(这里的m是一个已经被定义和初始化的整数变量),可以在UML模型中在这个数组变量a上运行cpptype原型。
When finished viewing the output from the lpstat-W command, type a Control-C to interrupt the "while" loop. 查看完lpstat-W命令的输出之后,按Control-C中断“while”循环。